Hiya!!!!!!!!! If you want to join my new GOTOQUIZ TEAM, please check this quiz out! It will give you all the info about how to audition for it and hi I am Doobee and you may remember my old quizzes!

If you love making quizzes and are committed to do one almost every week, this is the place for you! This team could make your quizzes even more popular! Let's go!

Created by: GQTMadmin
  1. i will give you some information about this gotoquiz team
  2. I will need 9 people
  3. Every Sunday, I will give you a quiz as your assignment. For example, I may tell you to create a quiz called 'what colour am I?'
  4. You must create this quiz by the following Sunday.
  5. You will get 3 excuses
  6. If you do not post your quiz and don't tell me why, you are kicked off the team
  7. You must use this code in the title so I know it is you 'GQTM' . I will give you a number so if you are number 1 you must put 'GQTM1' somewhere in the title
  8. Comment iwantaspace if you want to be part of this team
  9. I will not start the assignments until we have all 9 members
  10. If I allowed you to join, I will post every Sunday and look out for this code in the title GQTMadmin so you know I made the quiz
  11. Your username must be the same in all your quizzes and it must be the code in your title. Example, GQTM1

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