GoToQuiz Shoutouts!

First of all, I know this is weird because I don't have an account and haven't talked to anyone on GTQ but there were users who were super nice and I wanted them to see that I'm grateful for that.

And some of the shoutouts are just for the users that need it at the moment or users who are just being themselves! But if you didn't get one, remember that you're still really special- and you don't need a shoutout to prove it!

Created by: Unknown User
  1. First shoutout goes to Suki Skywalker! You're super nice and comment on most of my quizzes!
  2. Second goes to Eclipse! You are super sweet and also comment quite a bit on my quizzes- even if they are a bit boring or a waste of time!
  3. Third goes to Anna Vamila Mix! You were one of the first (along with Suki Skywalker) users to comment on my first 2 quizzes: Should I make a GTQ account? and Which GTQ user are you? (Part 1)! Thank you so much! I am super grateful!
  4. LiaTheBear! You aren't afraid to be yourself and stay strong... even if some people treat you unfairly!
  5. June_Roses! Some people get embarrassed with your hobby of shipping people... but I think it's cute! Keep being yourself!
  6. Emowoman! I love how you're super sweet to everyone and how your patient with your friends! Keep being your creative, kind self!
  7. CarlosDeVil! I noticed in other shoutout quizzes, you never get one. So keep making people laugh like you usually do! I like how you add LOL/Xd at the end of most of your sentences! :p
  8. Eggaly! You are always willing to help someone and support others! You are also really funny!
  9. Cats17! Your quizzes are interesting and fun to take! Keep making them!
  10. Spice! You are creative and funny! You're super nice and great at roleplaying!
  11. That's it for this shoutout!

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