goth or colorful???

There are many goth people out there. What is goth? I guess if you are truly goth you would know that. Do I know what goth is? No, I do not. Why am I asking these stupid questions? The World may never know.

Are YOU goth? I don't know am I? What kind of guestion is that? How am I supposed to know? I may not even know? You might not be goth or colorful. You are just plain stupid.

Created by: Bob Happy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your fave color?
  2. Do you like the color black?
  3. ...yellow?
  4. ...violet red?
  5. ...dark red?
  6. Are you racist?
  7. Do you think I am?
  8. If you said 'Yes' on the last one ,then shut up.
  9. Do you like fluffy things?
  10. Are you bored of this quiz?
  11. Which do YOU think you are?

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