Gorillaz Hospital

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Are you kidding me you never get out your trap forever!!

Almost there just hide from them or your dead understand me!!!

Created by: princess anna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How would you escape the hospital?
  2. If dr murdoc comes up to you what would you do.
  3. If surgeon russ comes up to you what would you do.
  4. If nurse noodle comes up what would you do.
  5. If dr 2d comes up to you what would you do.
  6. What you do if del catch you?
  7. What would you do if saw a blue ghost?
  8. Ouch! Dr murdoc just cut your fingers off what you do.
  9. Yummy nurse noodle brings you food what you say.
  10. Owwwww surgeon russ cut off your toes what you do.

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