good cool quiz fun

no crying ,complaining, arguing, fighting, fainting, lying, nayong,killing and no mewing no quiting no yacking, noasking for helpif not then donţ do the quiz okey

no singing abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvuxtuvw or you no sing you should smell my costumes feet I aint washed it in 10 weeks or haiya baby song so bad no way jerk b----

Created by: hellomynameisl
  1. do you like milk?
  2. minecraft is fun
  3. word record is Dalton
  4. do you like stven he
  5. 1+1=
  6. 1+1=
  7. do you poo a lot
  8. 123+456
  9. 12+73
  10. are you dumb
  11. 123

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