Golden Moonlight 3

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Created by: omggirl4170

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Ok, lets catch up. You are about to be killed by a vampire named Jessica. She is already planning how to kill Matt. (M.)
  2. "Kill me? You wouldnt want to do THAT? Would you?!" You worry. "Yes I would. Now that you know my plan, I will. Without the help of the other vampires. You dont scare me."
  3. Jessica walks closer to you. "AHHH!" You scream. You see Matt's eyes open. Matt! you think.. Umm gotta distract her.... You run as fast as you can to the pole, but throw a stone at the door. Jess runs to the door.
  4. You rush over to Matt. "Help me!" You wisper. "Run to the door and leave. Leave me here to die." He says. "I can't leave you to die. Im sorry, I was worring about me. I've never been in this situation before." you say. "That's ok. Do your thing." "My thing? Whats my thing?!" "No time. Shes coming!"
  5. You spin around. She doesnt see you yet. You decide to hide behind Matt. Jess starts talking. "Haha Matt. Your protector is gone and now i can kill you. With the help of the other vampires of course." As she walks away to call the other vampires, you start to change. You get all furry and start to grow. "Oh do this is my thing. Lets do my thang!" And you scratch her hard, and deep.
  6. The vampire starts to die, slowly. You rush over to Matt and get him free. "How did you know I was a werewolf?" You ask. "I turned you into one when I was sleeping. I needed help" He says.
  8. How did you like it?
  9. Will you rate?
  10. Will you comment?

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