Going Green at Home Quiz

After watching the Going Green at Home Video you should take the Going Green at Home Quiz. Quiz yourself on the information you just learned about the Earth and helping the environment

This Quiz will assess the knowledge you should have received from watching the Going Green at Home Video. The Quiz will assess specific information and ideas you should have learned. Have fun!

Created by: Abbey Auxter

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Where should you throw plastic bottles?
  2. What kind of light bulbs should you put in your lamps?
  3. To help the environment you should drink a lot of water from...
  4. We need to reduce the amount of plastic that is thrown out. How many pounds of plastic is thrown out each year?
  5. You can help save the environment by reminding your parents to...
  6. To help use less electricity, before you leave a room you should...
  7. When I am getting rid of my papers at the end of the school year the most environmentally friendly way to get rid of them is to...
  8. When I go to the park to play I should help the earth by bringing a...
  9. Using a reusable water bottle...
  10. The Earth is...

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