God-Centered Gospel vs. Man-Centered Gospel

Does Theology really matter? Can't I just love Jesus? Theology does matter! See for yourself. Take this short 12 question quiz and find out if your theology is man-centered, or God-centered.

We all approach the scriptures with presuppositions and thoughts about God. Those presuppositions about God determine how we live out our lives. We will either live life through a man-centered theology, or a God-centered theology. Theology really does matter!

Created by: Steve

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  1. Man is never so completely corrupted by sin that he cannot savingly believe the gospel when it is put before him
  2. Man is never so completely controlled by God that he cannot reject the Gospel when God reveals it to him.
  3. God's Election is based on God's foreknowledge. God looks ahead to see who will believe, and based on that decision, He elects the believing ones to salvation.
  4. Christ's death did not secure salvation for anyone, Jesus did not pay for anyone's sin specifically. It did not secure the gift of faith for anyone (there is no such thing as the gift of faith, faith is generated by man alone). What Christ's death did accomplish was possible salvation for everyone who ever lived without exception if they would exercise their own free will.
  5. It rests with believers to keep themselves in a state of grace by keeping up their faith; those who fail here fall away and are lost.
  6. God would never force his will upon man.
  7. God never interferes with man's decision. It must be an coerced, otherwise it is not a genuine decision.
  8. Why did God reject Esau?
  9. What is the Bible about?
  10. Who is responsible for the death of Job's children and all of the evil that came upon him?

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