Go on a date with Naruto Uzumaki!

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Hi there quiztaker-chan/san! Are you a Naruto Uzumaki fangirl/fan? If you are stay here and take this quiz. You get to go on a date with him and find out what he thought of the date!

There are only 3 results. You either get "Purrfect!" I used one of my puns there- Or you get "Meh" and your last reault is " TERRIBLE!!" . This quiz is mainly for girls but da boi's can do this quiz to if you want.

Created by: Robyn-chan
  1. Hi quiztaker-chan/san! I'm Robyn-chan
  2. Are you ready for your date?
  3. What are you wearing?
  4. Are you wearing make up?
  5. UwU You and Naruto ofc had a date by Ichiraku's Ramen.You were a little late and started walking towards him."Hi (Y/n)-chan/san! You look beautiful/habdsome today!" He said
  6. You go in the place and give Teuchi the orders. What do you talk about or do?
  7. Your food comes your way. How do you eat?
  8. After you guys exit Ichiraku's Ramen Naruto walks you home. How do you greet him
  9. Thats all for now hope you enjoyed the quiz. Choose one of the below.
  10. Bye quiztaker-chan/san! -waves-

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