go go go what barden bella are you

There are many good singers but not every one is a good singer if you are a good singer like myself then you are lucky but if you are not then Im sorry.A good singer is someone with a perfect pitch and can sing really good.

Are you a good singer cause if you are you can be a barden bella are you Chloe are you Beca or Aubre well you will found out in just a few minutes sorry for repeating a question twice

Created by: Jenna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have a lot of friends?
  2. Do u joke a lot?
  3. Are yo controlling
  4. Do u like to dj
  5. Are u fun
  6. Would you fall in love with a treble
  7. Do you like jesse
  8. Is yor dad a teacher(this will not be in results
  9. Do you hate bumper
  10. Do you hate bumper

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Quiz topic: Go go go what barden bella am I