GIRLS ONLY!!! Does he like you??:)

Is there a boy in your life currently right now? Do you think he likes you?? Well great news! You have came to the right place for this!!! Take this quiz to find out if he likes you and how much!!!

In just a few easy questions, this quiz will tell you how much a guy likes you and if he does!!! Take this quiz and you will love it I know it!! Have fun!! Taking my quiz!!!

Created by: Afton â��ï¸

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. 1- does he stare at you? If so, how much
  2. 2- When he sees you how does he react?
  3. 3- Does he ever tease you? If so, how??
  4. 4- How does he say hi to you?
  5. Does he try to make you laugh?
  6. 8- does he ever try to make you jealous?
  7. 9- how does he react when he sees you with other guys?
  8. 10- does he ever try to impress you?
  9. 11- does he touch you?
  10. 12- be honest... do you think he likes you?
  11. 13- did you like my quiz?
  12. 14- rate my quiz?:)

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