GhostDivas Approval Quiz

Ghost Hunting QUiz! So, you think you are a ghost hunter, you have all those scrappy gizmos and gadgets to help you prove the existence of the afterlife...

Are you GhostDiva approval'istic? Ghost Hunting QUiz! So, you think you are a ghost hunter, you have all those scrappy gizmos and gadgets to help you prove the existence of the afterlife...

Created by: GhostDivas

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are Orbs Considered "paranormal"?
  2. Would you sell your soul to be on Television?
  3. Do you try to look nice while ghost hunting?
  4. Should you pose for photos while on an investigation?
  5. Are EMF meters ghost detectors?
  6. What is the best way to collect ghostly evidence?
  7. Would 12 people be a good number of team members while investigating an average sized residential home?
  8. Does more gear and gadgets make a team better than the others?
  9. Is it okay to have one beer 4 hours before an investigation?
  10. Do you really want the GhostDivas Approval?

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