Get hired to stop the pony murders

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Pinkamena (pinkie) Diane pie, apple bloom, Derpy hooves, marble/marblestone/inkie pie, limestone pie, and minkie pie are taking over equestria once again! If you capture them, you will earn $10,000 dollars! Do you have the braverey do stop them?

If yes, get the job by taking this quiz! Please like and enjoy! In the comments after getting the job, (If you have an account) let me know your pony’s name, gender, wich type it is, (earth pony, unicorn, pegasus, or alicorn) and what it’s rank is.

Created by: Cadey
  1. first of all, do you like my little pony?
  2. Do you like pinkie pie?
  3. Do you like apple bloom?
  4. Do you like derpy hooves?
  5. Do you like marble pie?
  6. Do you like limestone pie?
  7. Do you like Minkie pie?
  8. Did you see the fan fiction stuff?
  9. Ok, that’s all I need
  10. Bye!

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