Get a wolf name

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Wolves rock. They howl and they live in packs. They hunt all together, They are just awesome. I you don't like wolves, that's okay. but you can still take this Quiz!

In this Quiz, There are no right or wrong answers. So just relax and enjoy my hard work!

Created by: Rachel Brookes
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The Alpha is dying and he asks you to be the next Alpha, you...
  2. There is a famine.The pack is starving, Even the pups are dying, You...
  3. Your mother dies in a wolf fight, You...
  4. You find a lone wolf on your territory and it asks you to take you to your Alpha. You...
  5. A wolf asks you to meet you in the forest so you can be together alone, you...
  6. After a terrible storm, You find yourself alone. What do you do?
  7. You go hunting with your pack. Nothing was caught due to the wolf Foxleap. You make it back to the den to find Foxleap is missing and you are exhausted. you...
  8. A Sneak attack from a neighboring pack happens. Your Alpha tells you to get Honeyleaf and her pups out of there but you want to
  9. Your favorite color is...
  10. You prefer...

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