General social science knowledge test

This test is intended to evaluate the extent to which you are knowledgeable with regards to social sciences and social studies. The test is not fully representative and is somewhat flawed.

This test includes elements of sociology, philosophy, history, geography, political science, statistics, the history of science, amongst others. Best of luck, - Roh Tae Woo

Created by: Roh Tae Woo
  1. PART 1: HISTORY____When did the polish-soviet war end?
  2. What percentage of lebanon's population did the famine on mount lebanon kill, and when did it start?
  3. Which dynasty was the civil service exam created under?
  4. How old was emporer meiji in 1867 during the era of meiji restoration?
  5. Which of these countries resisted Mongol Conquests for the longest after ultimately being conquered?
  6. Which of these people was the second president of Korea?
  7. Which of these people was the first to unite the British isles.
  8. Which of these was the official religion of France during the french revolution.
  9. Which of these countries contributed a dynasty to the Byzantine Empire
  10. Which of these countries only had military rulers for its entire existence.

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