General Science Quiz

This is a general science quiz which covers basic scientific questions. Therefore, you don't have to a science person to be able to take it... because this stuff is always taught in high school (or perhaps even lesser than high school).

If you think you are good at scientific facts and knowledge, take this quiz to find out....... Hope you enjoy it and do well on it...........Good luck!

Created by: Eman

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  1. What is the scientific name for human beings ?
  2. What is the difference between 2H and H_2 (2 as a subscript)?
  3. Which of these planets of the Solar System is not a jovian or gas planet?
  4. What is the science that deals with fossils?
  5. What is the atomic number of elements?
  6. How many significant figures does the number 124000 have?
  7. What is the longest bone inside our body?
  8. What is the unit used to express Work?
  9. The metal Aluminium has a density of 2.70 grams per cubic meter. What is the mass of a piece of the metal that occupies a space of 2 cubic meters?
  10. What is the first phase of Cell division known as?

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