General Knowledge Quiz

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This quiz is about general knowledge and your knowledge of fun facts and trivia. If you’ve got random fun facts inside your brain, then this quiz is for you!

Hope you enjoy. I wonder how many questions you will get correct! And also, please comment your result and anything else you would like to say. So how about you get into it now?

Created by: STButterfly
  1. What is cyan’s hex code?
  2. What is the most common hair colour worldwide?
  3. Who is Naomi Osaka?
  4. There is no word that rhymes with orange in English.
  5. Who has the highest recorded IQ?
  6. Taylor Swift’s middle name is Allison.
  7. Who was the founder of Gmail?
  8. Apple pips are poisonous.
  9. Who is Dolly Parton’s husband?
  10. Unicorns are not real.

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