General Knowledge

There are a lot of people in the world, but few are geniuses. Geniuses come in many shapes and sizes, but what are you? Are you a genius? Big or Small?

Are you a genius ? Are you smart ? Do you want to be a genius ? Do you have the power to make that happen ? If not I suggest you take this quiz now, don't delay now will you.......

Created by: Renee of this site
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Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the longest river ?
  2. What is the biggest desert in the world ?
  3. What does UFO stand for ?
  4. Who is the author of Harry Potter books ?
  5. What year did the Nintendo Wii come out ?
  6. How may legs does a buttefly have ?
  7. When month is Barack Obama's birthday ?
  8. What is 3 cubed ?
  9. What colour are Harrod's shopping bags ?
  10. How many consonants are there in the English alphabet ?

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