GCSE Music - Koko

Do you know everything about African music? Take the quiz to find out whether you have the knowledge it takes to get the grades! Theres a lot to remember so start now.

Do you have the qualities to take this quiz and master it? find out now. Make sure you read all your notes before and use all your revision guides, they are very helpful.

Created by: rishika of gcsemusichelp.webs.com
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What type of music is Yiri?
  2. What scale does Yiri use?
  3. What instruments are used in this piece?
  4. What is the structure of this piece?
  5. What is the texture?
  6. What is the correct description of the time signature?
  7. Are Ostinatos used in this piece?
  8. What is the most common feature used in african music?
  9. Are there cross rhythms used?
  10. What is a word to describe the word setting in this piece?

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