gay quiz for people with too much time on their hands

everyone knows that there are homosexual people in the world. This test just determines who those homesexuals are. i am just trying to help you out and figure out your life

are you homosexual because i know the symptons of a homosexual type person. at least i think i know the symptons because this is about my best gay friend

Created by: ben
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you related to any homosexual peoples
  2. have you ever thought about someone of the same sex in a sexual way
  3. Which is more appealing
  4. Which color is cooler
  5. if you are a man do you own a man bag or fanny pack
  6. if you are a woman do you where boy clothes
  7. how often do you go to a sporting event
  8. i love you
  9. can you dance very well
  10. do you think i now pronounce you chuck and larry is offensive

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