Gang Beasts Quiz

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This is a Gang Beast Fan Quiz, I love the game so much I did these from the top of my head! I remimber all the colours, Red, blue, green, yellow, pink, purple, teal, tan!

I am the biggest fan of this! Only 1/1000 people in my school knows what Gang Beasts is! But I love this game so much I just had to make this! Hope you injoy!!

Created by: Km
Personality Test
  1. What is player limit?
  2. What is player minimum?
  3. Color 1?
  4. Color 5?
  5. How do you have Truck Rodeos
  6. How do you fly?
  7. What arena was added for Halloween?
  8. What was the one added for Christmas?
  9. How many arenas are there NOT counting the Halloween and Christmas specials
  10. How to play single player?
  11. What was the crazyist costume added for Halloween?
  12. How to get train off track?
  13. What colors look the same?
  14. Who biggest fan?
  15. What number is teal
  16. What's the best way to save yourself?
  17. Lalala SING ALONG!!!

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