Funneh and Krew Kuiz

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YOOT Krew There on YT there is PaintingRainows AKA Rainbow YT AKA Rainbow. Luner3clipslip then, ItsFunneh then GOLD3NGLARE FINALY ItsDraconitDragon that is all

qwertiopasdfghjklzxcvnm12345890-=!@#$%^&*()_+`~asdfghjkl;':"ZXCVBNM,../<>? like if you yes you <3 or at least like krew also gacha life YOOT MEEP .........

Created by: Piggy Obsession YT
  1. Who is Funneh's boyfriend
  2. What state does Krew live in
  3. did the krew go to America once
  4. what is Funnehs real name
  5. What is Funnehs nick name
  6. What is Golds real name
  7. What is Golds nick name
  8. who is tallest in krew
  9. who is oldest in krew
  10. How old is Rainbow
  11. What is Funneh
  12. is Rainbow a Virgo
  13. is Lunar 28 years old
  14. what is Luners REAL name
  15. what is dracos age
  16. true or false draco is youngest in krew
  17. does the krew live in Canada?
  18. what is gold
  19. Is gold 26 years old
  20. is gold 27 years old
  21. which krew member likes to draw
  22. what is Funneh age
  23. Draco is a Taurus
  24. is the krew friends or siblings
  25. Luners birth is...
  26. What is dracos fav color
  27. is golds birth Sep. 29, 1993
  28. which is the perfect order ( oldest to youngest )
  29. Do you like the krew.
  30. What is Funnehs birthday
  31. who is Betty
  32. how tall is Funneh
  33. krew has....
  34. what are the dogs names
  35. what genders are they
  36. Funneh ALMOST poisoned the WHOLE krew by feeding them raw meat
  37. Gold burns food in REAL life
  38. what is Golds favorites animal
  39. what does Gold chooses what?
  40. what does gold like MORE...
  41. what is Dracos fav food
  42. True or False Draco says " The dark is scary so i choose light over dark."
  43. is Rainbow is addicted to choclate mushrooms
  44. what is Luners fav animal
  45. what is Luners fav food
  46. Luners only has yt as a job
  47. what is krews last name
  48. this kuiz is made in october 23 so dont say in 2021 or somthing "THE ANSEWERS ARE WRONG" no its made october 23 2020
  49. when was krew lanched
  50. did Funneh start yt sep. 2011
  51. ok there dog REAL names are Floof Reinhardt and Pupper
  52. what is Funnehs highest viewed vid is OUR FIRST DAY AT FAIR HIGH SCHOOL! GETTING NEW DORMS AND TOUR!
  53. how much vids does Funneh have
  54. when was golds channel made

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