Fundraiser Genie

There are many different types of fundraisers. This 12 question quiz is ment to give you a better idea of the dynamics of your group , and what type of fundraiser would suit it best.

This is in no way ment to substitute for our advice. There are many other factors, goals, and potential issues that need to be addressed. Take the results of this quiz as simply a suggestion , or the basis of questions and research when you speak with Las Vegas Fundraisers about your next Fundraiser.

Created by: Jami Whitehead

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. My group has ___ members participating in the fundraiser.
  2. This is our first fundraiser
  3. Our Chairpersons are
  4. We need to raise
  5. Our past fundraisers have
  6. Our biggest problem is
  7. our city or town has a population of
  8. We advertise our fundraisers
  9. Our group is associated with a religious organization
  10. Prizes for those who sell the most would

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