Fun Trick Question Quiz. Can You Get More Than 85%?

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Nothing... Hey ladies (and gentlemen) I has released yet another Trick Quiz...Quiz... So yeah, here it is, take it and enjoy and look out for the next sequence!

Created by: amazon
  1. 20 pigeons sat on the branches of a tree. A man shot 1 pigeon with his gun. How many were left on the tree?
  2. Why is it against the law for a person living in New York to be buried in California?
  3. How can a man go eight days without sleep?
  4. There are 6 mangoes in a basket and 6 kids eagerly waiting to get one. Each kid is given 1 mango, yet there is one mango in the basket, how?
  5. How many time can you subtract 10 from 100?
  6. Which is heavier, a ton of gold or a ton of silver?
  7. How many birth days does the average person have?
  8. What is in the middle of CHINA
  9. It goes in dry, it comes out wet, the longer it's in the stronger it gets. What is it?
  10. Does Britain have a 4th of July

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Quiz topic: Fun Trick Question Quiz. can I Get More Than 85%?
