Fun facts about me (their kinda boring though)

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HeyShxudj$kdkwockdmd$9wmckw9ddjkddmsoksmsmxoxjeenfhdodjdnfndididjddjd Shxudj$kdkwockdmd$9wmckw9ddjkddmsoksmsmxoxjeenfhdodjdnfndididjddjdDidShxudj$kdkwockdmd$9wmckw9ddjkddmsoksmsmxoxjeenfhdodjdnfndididjddjd Shxudj$kdkwockdmd$9wmckw9ddjkddmsoksmsmxoxjeenfhdodjdnfndididjddjd

Created by: TeaTime
  1. I play the flute
  2. I have 5 animals 4 guinea pigs and one fish
  3. My favorite food is ravioli
  4. I don’t have a father figure
  5. I’m 14 years old and when I was 6 my favorite tv show was the amazing world of gumball it still is my fav show
  6. My favorite animal is probably a panda or capybara
  7. .
  8. .
  9. .
  10. .

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