This is a quiz for GIRLS! Boys are welcome to take it for fun but the results might not be fun to read if your a guy....Im not going to tell you what you really want to know until the second paragraph so read on and take the quiz and commet please!

Well.....I see you were kind enough to continue if your reading this right now.So thank you!As stated in the last paragraph I will now tell you what this quiz is about! when your results come you will be told wether you are a Kimberlyn Katheryn, or a Kaitlyn Katheryn gal. Both names are made up with a different personality attatched so please enjoy and see which you are Kimberlyn? or Kaitlyn?and dont forget to commet!

Created by: BandNerd2000
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you in middle school, high school, collage,or none
  2. are you in a school band/were in school band more than 4 years?
  3. What do people think of you as?
  4. whats ur fav color
  5. whats ur fav color
  6. whats ur fav color
  7. whats ur fav color
  8. whats ur fav color
  9. do you have good manners?
  10. will you commet please ik there was a mistake with the color question sorry!!dont know how to fix it!:)
  11. will you commet please ik there was a mistake with the color question sorry!!dont know how to fix it!:)

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