FullMetal Alchemist quiz bahaha
FullMetal Alchemist(Hagane no Renkinjutsushi), is a manga series created by Hiromu Arakawa and serialized in Enix's (now Square Enix) Monthly Shonen Gangan. It has also been adapted into an anime TV series and a movie sequel, as well as several spin-off novels and video games. The manga is still running in Japan, and 16 volumes have been released so far. The anime, on the other hand, is finished, and consists of 51 episodes and a full-length movie sequel. Both incarnations (the manga and the anime) have seen massive popularity in both Japan and North America.
Do you Pay close attention to the details? If not, I would not take this test. By clicking the button, you are agreeing to only a few minutes of a few simple and not so simple questions. Do you have what it takes to win the Prestigious title of FullMetal Know it All?