Fruits of the Holy Ghost

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In this quiz, you will be learning and studying about the Fruits of the Holy Ghost. Please study thoroughly and memorize the Fruits before taking this test. God loves you!

In this quiz, you will be learning and studying about the Fruits of the Holy Ghost. Please study thoroughly and memorize the Fruits before taking this test. Jesus is at your side!

Created by: Chelsea

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. The quality of being plentiful
  2. Strong belief in God
  3. Rejoicing
  4. The quality of being virtuous
  5. Able to wait without becoming annoyed
  6. An intense feeling of deep affection
  7. Freedom from immorality
  8. The quality of being friendly
  9. Not harsh or severe
  10. Controlling your impulses
  11. Freedom from disturbance
  12. The quality of being relatively moderate

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