Frisbee Meyers Briggs!

Welcome to my procrastination project for the night! Take this extremely accurate frisbee personality quiz to find out what kind of player you are. If the results don't line up with reality, I recommend you take the quiz again or change your playing style to accomodate the quiz.

There are three categories of frisbee personality this quiz is looking at:1- Impulsive vs. Measured2- Technical vs. Gritty3- Funky vs. FocusedPlease enjoy :)

Created by: Keziah Wilde
  1. It's universe point and someone cuts deep for you. Do you send it?
  2. How close do you like to stand to your person while playing defense?
  3. How often do you lead cheers?
  4. What's your favorite cheer?
  5. What do you like to do on the line before raising a hand?
  6. You have the disc five yards from the endzone. Where do you want to put it?
  7. Are you an O line or D line player?
  8. Do you care about stats?
  9. Do you get more satisfaction from having a low turnover rate over the course of a day or from making a sick throw that gets a lot of attention?
  10. Are the goals you set for yourself generally based on big picture items: decision making, leadership ability etc, or detail oriented items: defensive positioning, making a layout, making a certain throw

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