Friendship quiz

There are many ways to tell if you are or are not a true friend. This quiz was one of them. I hope you enjoy the quiz. This is a quiz to test your friendship. Good Luck!!

I hope you find out that you are a good friend. You have to be compleatly honest in order to pass this quiz. If you are dishonest I am sure you will not get a true score. If your dishonesty gets you a 100% then you did not really deserve that score.

Created by: Jessica

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you trust your friends with your secrets?
  2. Do your friends trust you with secrets?
  3. Is it hard for you to keep other peoples' secrets?
  4. How often do you visit your friends?
  5. Do your friends make you feel overwhelmed?
  6. What do your friends think of you?
  7. Do you feel secure with your friends?
  8. Do your friends feel secure with you?
  9. Do you treat all of your friends equally?
  10. Do you ever talk about your friends behind their backs?

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