Friends quiz!!!!!!!

Hi this is lucy quiz about lucy please get the answers right bc otheriwse thats just a little bit sad, anyways i have to have 150 words so, sunny says hi from english.

thats all. its 10:31 am and im so tired and sunny is eating an orange in englih sir is yapping. dhueufrhfrihieiogorigireigreigierihgerhighgireierghihgero

Created by: lucy
  1. What is my middle name
  2. what is my favourite sport
  3. who is my boyfriend
  4. what do i want to do when i die
  5. what do i want to be when i older
  6. fav subject
  7. When is my bday
  8. malia says hi
  9. if i was an animal what would i be
  10. last question

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