freak or unique? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz freak or unique?
Unique!! Come on fellow unique people, let our imagination run WILD! :D
88% i bet you got "unique" haha. but it's okay if you didn't. remeb
**UNIQUE!!!** congrats!! but theres no way you were telling the truth on that test. hah! if you weren't...please take the quiz again. if you were...then i'm telling you this. theres only a few of you people in this world. spead the love...and show people what its liek to be differeant.
I'm the wo-man
94% i bet you got "unique" haha. but it's okay if you didn't. remeb
**UNIQUE!!!** congrats!! but theres no way you were telling the truth on that test. hah! if you weren't...please take the quiz again. if you were...then i'm telling you this. theres only a few of you people in this world. spead the love...and show people what its liek to be differeant.
di ao-ness
**UNIQUE!!!** congrats!! but theres no way you were telling the truth on that test. hah! if you weren't...please take the quiz again. if you were...then i'm telling you this. theres only a few of you people in this world. spead the love...and show people what its liek to be differeant.
lo l
Ahmmmm Funny That Everyone Got UNIQUE Ayyy... Hehe Im 92% Unique WOOOOO
i got 92% unique and i was telling the truth the whole time. i thought i was just a dumbass. or maybe dumbasses are unique.
i was tellin the truth the entire while. how dumb can these people who set the quiz get?
i got 93% unique and i wasnt lying
lol wow i like this quiz being unique is good -
yay i waz unique and i deffo waz tellin the truth soooooo thats pretty cool!
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