Francois The Frenchman

Some people think they've really got this whole game of life figured out. Do you? Go ahead, take the Francois The Frenchman Quiz, and chase it down with some freedom fries.

After you take this quiz, if you do well, your life will change. Colors will seem brighter, smells will be, um, smellier, you'll be able to play the guitar like Eddie Van Halen, even if you've never played before.

Created by: Francois of [no urls]
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If a dog and a cat enter a room, and a frog jumps in front of the cat, what's the dog's name?
  2. What's 8/2*3-6+64/2
  3. Jim has $1,000 worth of gold coins. Mary has $1,000 worth of garbage. Which is more valuable
  4. Which is further north -- Seattle, St. Louis or Detroit?
  5. Who has the best deal on cable television?
  6. In what year did Dwight D. Eisenhower say, "ask not what your country can do for you"”ask what you can do for your country."
  7. What kind of animal said, "Trix Are For Kids!"
  8. How many paper clips are there in a two boxes of a dozen dozen?
  9. which planet is bigger, pluto or the moon?
  10. Why did my daughter make me write this quiz?

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