What TV show have you been watching recently?
Thread Topic: What TV show have you been watching recently?
I've been watching alot of cartoon shows that I grew up with as a child such as gravity falls, along with a few new animes I found on Netflix too.
The rizz chronicles
Been watching Avatar the Last Airbender (ATLA)
:3 -
Percy Jackson :))
the suite life of zack and cody and wizards of waverly place
Recently finished dexter
Well I have been with it since itt first started, but murder drones.
I also like Tadc, gravity falls, the amazing world of gumball, adventure time, amphibia, shows like that. -
I started watching adventure time distant lands recently
The Imbestagators…pls don’t judge me it’s just THAT GOOD!!!!
Btw:does anybody else watch it/ used to??
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