People would do anything to get fit rather than going to gym
Thread Topic: People would do anything to get fit rather than going to gym
Now this seems kind of weird, but this is actually very true. People desperately want to be fit but like 99% of them are willing to do anything other than go to the gym . You can look up scientists who are trying to develop machines and pills to make you fit. But they would rather do anything than go to the gym. This is mostly because of procrastination and not seeing instant results, which is why they would lack the motivation.
i feel like we've created a work work work society in which finding the time to commit and go to the gym regularly is difficult. but at the same time, you see models and influencers on social media and it creates a beauty standard. also i feel that social media plays a role in the instant gratification thing, our attention spans are kinda fried atm. these three factors i think contribute also
I can agree. Most of them have a valid excuse but the other's attention spans are fried, they'd prefer instant gratification and if they have time, but not enough for having fun AND working out, they'd take having fun. If they have time for both working out and having fun, like I said, their attention spans are fried and they would prefer instant gratification
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