1x1 w/ Madi
Thread Topic: 1x1 w/ Madi
Here’s the plot again:
Kingdom of Order
In this Kingdom, it’s all about organization, tradition, doing everything by the book to put it simply. They focus on using most of their abilities in keeping things in balance and work the way they think is right in their eyes. In battle, they all have a similar fighting style they follow. This makes them predictable for someone who has gone against someone from Order before but what makes them hard to bring down is how powerful their magic is. They take care of their enemies as quickly as possible. This place is seen as a safe haven, for humans. Only humans reside in this kingdom, as they believe that it’s impossible for them to coexist with any other race, to the point where they see any other race as inferior.
Kingdom of Chaos
Here, the government system isn’t as strict as Order’s. The people here don’t follow a tradition or have a one right way to do things. What gives the kingdom their name isn’t just because of how they run things, but because of how they use their abilities. Every single person has their own fighting style, and own magic. Due to the unpredictable nature of going against someone from Chaos, people from other kingdoms are advised to avoid a one on one battle with them, and to only approach them as a group. Someone from Chaos doesn’t wield magic as powerful as someone from Order, but their unorthodox style is enough to match them. Some humans do live here, but what makes this place unique is how diverse it is. Many different races live here together, something Order doesn’t like to see…
C1 is a knight for the Kingdom of Order, they work as a guard in the borders of the kingdom to make sure people from Chaos or from any other place does not come in without permission or approval of the king. C2 is part of a group that frequently goes on expeditions for the Kingdom of Chaos where they travel far to look for any refugees they can find to give them a safe place. One day, C1 decides to explore a little further than they usually do while on duty, and ends up coming across C2. Being from opposing kingdoms, they both come in hot and get in a little physical altercation. With both being green in battles, they eventually stop and reluctantly work together to return to their respective homes since they met each other in an unfamiliar place. With just the two of them, will they become more than strangers? Or will they continue to be enemies due to how vastly different their lifestyles are because of where they each came from? If they do become friends, will C1 have the heart to tell C2 that Order plans on invading Chaos soon?
You can lmk if there’s any questions or criticism about the plot
Also, would you like to be C1 or C2?
I’ll post the character sheet after -
nahh let's run it
i'd like to be c2, if you're cool being c1 -
I’ll make mine sometime tomorrow most likely if that’s okay, it’s getting late for me
Character Sheet-
Clothing (optional):
Background/bio (optional):
Magical abilities (can include weapon(s) they use):
Other/fun facts: -
yeah that's cool, i'll probably do the same
Oh and yeah I’m cool with being C1 lol oops. Go crazy
name: cora (kor-uh)
age: 22
gender: female
kingdom: chaos
species: selkie
appearance: cora possesses a striking but mysterious beauty. she has an almond brown complexion, a slender frame and an average height of around 5'5. her hair, a lively 3B type, cascades in bouncy curls of light milk chocolate brown, accented with blonde highlights. her hair reaches her shoulders when not styled straight or wet. a single curl at the front is adorned with a gold bead. cora has a button nose dusted with freckles and luscious lips, which are glossed in a shimmery pink. cora's round, deep brown eyes, slightly more prominent than her other features, are framed by long, fluttering eyelashes. her hands, feet, and ears are all webbed similar to a fish.
clothing: cora has scavenged everything available from both the ocean and the shore to assemble her unique ensemble. the top features two deceased starfish, artfully arranged alongside bits of plastic, discarded jewelry, and remnants of a fishing net. she has meticulously stitched together various fabrics from abandoned towels, swimwear, coverups and umbrellas to fashion a flowing skirt. around her neck hangs a necklace crafted from seashells and corals, while the most prized item in her collection is a string of pearls, looted from one of her unfortunate victims, which she has wrapped around her skirt.
personality: cora embodies a sense of jadedness, existing in a moral gray area where good and bad blur together. she has no problem offering assistance to those in need, but her help comes at a cost, as she seeks to gain something valuable in return. her primary focus is her own interests, leading her to be cautious about trusting others too easily. cora is quite impatient - she prefers to get straight to the point and values honesty, even when it stings. unnecessary politeness and flattery irritate her, and beneath her tough exterior lies a deeply guarded emotional core, giving her a stoic appearance.
background (get ready, this is a long boi): cora is the daughter of a human father and a selkie mother. years ago, her father, a fisherman, encountered her mother washed up on a beach while docking his boat. hailing from the kingdom of order, he was captivated by this non-human being and approached her, warning that order was not a safe place for her. he offered to take her out of the kingdom as quickly and quietly as possible. as they journeyed to the outskirts of the city, love blossomed between them, leading cora's mother to choose a life on land, where she concealed her seal skin in a hidden nook of their future home.
cora was raised in the kingdom of order, oblivious to her true heritage, yet her webbed fingers and toes set her apart from her human peers. from a young age, her parents concealed her ears with elaborate hairstyles, insisted she wear gloves, and forbade her from taking off her shoes in public, even during the warmest days. this led to relentless teasing from classmates, as she often found herself unable to participate in various activities. throughout her childhood, cora's sense of isolation deepened, amplifying her feelings of being "different."
now a young adult at 18, cora's world shatters when her father dies unexpectedly in a tragic fishing accident, leaving her mother in a state of despair and confusion. with the anchor that kept her and her child on land now gone, the weight of her secrets torments her relentlessly. overwhelmed by grief and unable to face her emotions, cora's mother discovers her long-lost seal skin and, in a moment of desperation, slips away into the ocean, disappearing without a trace.
cora, orphaned and gripped by fear, faces a heart-wrenching choice to end her own life. having always been forbidden to swim, she believes that drowning herself would be the most effective method. yet, as she plunges into the water, she feels an extraordinary shift - her skin begins to morph, taking on a new texture and hue. her limbs shrink, and in a stunning transformation, she becomes a seal. dazed and confused, cora has no idea where to go from here, but she just keeps swimming. swimming and swimming until eventually she reaches a beach in the kingdom of chaos.
when she first arrived in the kingdom of chaos, cora had to rely on somewhat morally ambiguous methods to financially support herself. with no permanent home, work history or formal education in chaos, she decides to take up dancing and street performing, while also considering spicy sleep work and robbery on the table in the most desperate situations. she lives like this for a few years, dragging through life with no hope. until one day, she discovers an advertisement stuck onto the wall of an alley she walks into. the advertisement describes the expeditioners' mission and invites anyone interested to ask about joining.
magical abilities: cora lacks hand-to-hand combat experience and tends to shy away from direct confrontations if she can. instead, she moves with remarkable speed and agility, excelling at stealth. her powers focus mostly on hydromancy and include the following:
- using her voice to create a siren's song, enchanting and temporarily incapacitating her enemy
- conjuring water to create a protective shield around herself or others. can backfire if enemy has ice or electric powers
- conjuring water to rapidly heal herself or others
- communicating with fish
- and of course, shapeshifting between human and seal when she puts on and removes her seal skin
- she cannot stomach seafood
- is very artsy-crafty and good at sewing
- she enjoys reading
- her skin becomes dry quite easily, so skincare is important to her and she carries a collection of lotions -
I apologize if the writing is doodoo wrote it in one sitting kinda, and I’ll start sometime tomorrow if that’s okay
Name: Genevieve
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Clothing: the clothes seen in the picrew is her casual clothing when not in guard duty. This is her appearance as a guard, which will be what she wears for the majority of the story:
The armor, sword and pendant is standard issue for every soldier here in Order. The pendant worn is a swan (to show that they’re from Order) instead of that star shown in the armor reference photo
Personality: Very bubbly with her fellow humans. She believes in doing the right thing and standing up for those who can’t (only applies to humans unfortunately). Does not like to end conflicts with violence and force, but resorts to it if talking it out does not work. Because of growing up in Order where schedules are kept, change scares her, and does not like it if she goes through something she can’t control. She is afraid of anything that isn’t human due to what she was taught growing up. She can also be stubborn in what she believes, can be annoying and nosy by wanting to getting to know too much about others
Background/bio: Genevieve lives in the better part of Order, the privileged side, is what those less fortunate in the kingdom call it. She comes from a family where becoming a soldier is tradition. To no surprise, her dad is a soldier, while her mother is a seamstress.
The area in Order where Genevieve grew up in is very religious, she is no exception, and they refer to themselves as “clean”. They don’t have a name for their god, as they believe that they aren’t worthy of giving it a name, so they only refer to their god as him/his.
Like the rest of the children growing up, the schools in Order taught them how humans are the perfect beings in the planet, his favorite creation, that anything else that isn’t human is inferior and not loved by him, so to please him, and to guarantee a stairway to him after death, they must remain pure by living among other humans only. This belief isn’t enforced as much in the less fortunate parts of the kingdom, but they’re still aware that it’s forbidden for a human and non human to share the same space.
Despite the dad’s disappointment that Genevieve wasn’t born a male, he would still train her to be the next in line, because she was born with abilities that the first child in every generation is born with. Serving for the king is something Genevieve does not want to do, but she has no other choice as she does not want to be kicked out and live in the slums. Her current occupation is being a guard by the west gate of the kingdom, a common position for rookies to work in.
Magical abilities: Genevieve is able to enhance the strength of her attacks by enchanting her weapons, this can either be anything she holds in her hand or her own fists and legs if going for a punch or kick. You can tell if she’s enhanced her weapon if you see a faint white glow around what she’s enchanted. This ability is the reason why her dad would train Genevieve everyday, as it can make a blow that would only cause a scratch, to be strong enough to pierce through armor with an enhancement
She can enchant her whole body to make her overall speed faster and her attacks stronger, but this comes at a cost, her stamina depletes quick , so she can’t maintain this for long. She was taught to finish battles quick, so this is what she usually does anyways. The fighting style that order follows is also her main weakness, they focus on offense more than defense, so somebody who’s patient and can survive long enough can easily take her down after Genevieve tires herself out and is vulnerable.
So overall, Genevieve has been trained to fight in close range, hand to hand, and seems pretty powerful at first sight, but due to being only a guard and not being exposed to actual combat yet, she isn’t very threatening to someone who’s already been in battle, and she also hasn’t mastered control over her abilities, so she gets exhausted quicker than your usual soldier
Other/fun facts:
-She is ambidextrous , but prefers using her right hand more
-she cannot stand bugs, even a harmless ant will get her screaming, but she won’t think twice to charge at a large animal like a bear or a mountain lion. -
purrrr she’s cute i really like her
and yeah man take your time! -
During her guard duty, Genevieve decided to explore what was beyond the thick forest that surrounded Order. Coming across someone in the middle of nowhere was not what she was expecting, especially a fight. She’s in trouble for sure if she ever finds her way back, the others may have noticed that she’s missing, but they also may think she was just relieved from her spot.
Exhausted, panting, trying to catch her breath, Genevieve’s heart was racing. Not only has she just experienced her first real fight that did not involve her dad or a comrade, it was against… something. It all happened too quickly, but now that she is able to take a good look at who she was battling, her mind and heart started to race out of fear.
Genevieve could not comprehend what she was looking at, the face and body seemed like that of a human, like herself, but what caught her attention was her ears, hands and feet. They didn’t look as smooth as skin, but looked like something that you’d see from an animal that lives in water. The clothing also caught her attention, as she has never seen something like that before. If this isn’t a human at all, then Genevieve has to get far away from her as possible, to not get “contaminated”.
She unsheathes her sword and firmly holds it with both hands, and begins to slowly take a step or two back, as she’s about to threaten whoever this was, she notices her surroundings. Very unfamiliar, and the sun is starting to set, Genevieve does not like her chances of survival if she ends up alone in an unknown area, especially in the dark. She lets out a sigh and decides that it may be better to make a temporary alliance than to keep fighting…
“Who are you? And who do you serve for?” Genevieve asks in a tone trying to intimidate, hoping that she does not also want to continue fighting… Genevieve could not believe that the idea of teaming up with someone who isn’t human came across her mind, if anyone from the kingdom were to see this, she for sure would be executed she thought. -
Cora's involvement with the rescue expedition team frequently plunged her into the heart of the wilderness, where she braved the harsh elements and relied on what nature had to offer for sustenance. As a relatively new member, she often found herself tackling the less glamorous tasks that seasoned team members preferred to avoid. One such duty was gathering firewood, but having completed her task ahead of schedule, Cora seized the opportunity to explore further into the forest. She was very eager to discover edible plants or berries to forage.
Cora ventures into an uncharted, dense section of the forest, quickly realizing that the trees appear indistinguishable, creating a disorienting maze. Despite her attempts to navigate her way out, she finds herself circling back to her starting point. Pausing to gather her thoughts, she gazes upward while turning in place, contemplating the possibility of having fallen into a magical trap crafted by a wizard, as such occurrences are not impossible in the Kingdom of Chaos. She ponders whether she has inadvertently trespassed into their domain, provoking their anger and resulting in her entrapment within this labyrinthine forest. Her thoughts turn to how she might locate this wizard and ultimately escape when she suddenly hears a voice, turning around to face them.
Cora, confident about her harmless intentions in the forest, feels more irritation than anxiety. She scrutinizes Genevieve with a dismissive glance, silently conveying her disdain. Attempting to suppress a sarcastic laugh, Cora methodically opens her magic book, which instantly radiates a vivid blue light as its pages begin to flutter energetically. With a raised eyebrow, she silently questions Genevieve's resolve in proceeding with her actions.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” The selkie doesn’t bother answering Genevieve’s questions about her identity right off the bat. Why should she, when the other girl so rudely ambushed her with a sword and didn’t even introduce herself? Then, she hesitates. This isn’t the magical maze wizard, is it? -
(small bump, no pressure)
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