What makes a villain and what makes a hero
Thread Topic: What makes a villain and what makes a hero
C1, C2, and C3 are normal high schoolers who recently learned they are heroes blessed by gods.
C1 is a kind hearted person with super strength
C2 is a beautiful person with hyper intelligence
And C3 is a leader who helps everyone with their pyrokinesis
They have all been sent on a mission by ancient gods to bring down an evil foe, C4 who rebelled against the gods and now plots their demise, but there's something strange going on with this villain.
What if this stereotypical adventure isn't so simple. -
This looks cool, can I join?
Both of you can join! Which characters do y'all want?
I like c1 if that's ok
I could do C4, but I figure you’ve already got a plan for them, so if you do I’m good with C2
I do got some plans for C4, so we only need one more person
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