Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
Maeve huffed. ‘If I’m cute, you’re pretty.’
Lavender blushed, shaking her head. "Nope, that's not how this works."
‘It is now!’
"No! I can't go around saying that because the sky is blue, squirrels aren't real! That's not how the world works!" Lavender giggled.
‘Just admit you’re pretty!’
"But I don't want to lie!" Lavender laughed.
‘You wouldn’t be lying!’
"Of course I would be!"
‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and right now I am the beholder, and my eye says that you’re pretty!’
Lavender blushed. "W-well I-" She shut herself up.
"Oh, shut up!" Lavender whined, burying her face in Maeve's shoulder.
Maeve grinned, playing with her hair. ‘Never,’ she murmured.
Lavender wrapped her arms around her. "Please?"
Maeve blushed. ‘Nah.
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