Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
Maeve booped her nose.
Lavender blushed, leaning into her touch.
Maeve grinned.
Lavender rolled her eyes.
Maeve giggled.
Lavender held her close. The waiter came back.
Maeve looked up at the waiter.
"Here you go." The waiter smiled, setting down a plate with a couple qUaSoS on the table.
‘Thank you.’
The waiter nodded. "Are either of you ready to pay?"
Lavender nodded, pulling away from Maeve to grab some money in her pocket. -
‘I can go steal my brother’s wallet if you want,’ Maeve whispered to Lavender.
"No, it's alright, I can pay." Lavender chuckled. "No stealing."
‘Pfft, I’ll pay next time.’
"You really don't have to." Lavender smiled. She handed the waiter her money.
‘I will,’ Maeve said.
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