Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
Maeve felt her stirring and looked up at her.
Lavender smiled. "Morning." She chuckled. "You didn't move up to your bed after I fell asleep?" She didn't imagine the sleeping bag was very comfortable for her.
‘I-Is that okay? Sorry, I didn’t consider you’d be uncomfortable,’ Maeve said, blushing and pulling away slightly.
Lavender grabbed her hand to stop her from pulling away more. "No, it's fine! I just figured it wouldn't be comfortable for you."
Maeve blushed, snuggling back close. ‘If you’re sure.’
Lavender nodded. "How'd you sleep?"
Lavender grinned. "That's good."
Maeve smiled, holding her close. ‘How did you sleep?’
"Really good." Lavender snuggled closer, looking up with a smile.
Maeve giggled, hand moving to play with Lavender’s hair. ‘That’s good.’
Lavender let her, beaming. "Yeah."
Maeve kissed her nose.
Lavender blushed, leaning into her touch.
Maeve smiled, snuggling closer.
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