your stupid face.
Thread Topic: your stupid face.
Elliot smiled and led Havyn out back, leading her over to the hammock. He walked over and sat down, waiting for her to sit down before pulling her down, laying back on the hammock. He hummed as he hung his leg off the side, gently pushing against the ground and swinging the hammock a little.
Havyn smiled, looking up at him.
Elliot looked down at Havyn, watching her with a smile. "Hi~" He spoke softly, moving his arms around her waist.
"Hey~" She beamed.
Elliot smiled happily, pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead.
Havyn grinned. "You're amazing."
"Mm, nah, I'm pretty sure you're the amazing one~" He spoke, chuckling softly.
"Am not."
"Are too~" He spoke with a smile, pressing a kiss on her lips to stop her from arguing back.
Havyn didn't argue- she couldn't, really. She closed her eyes.
Elliot smiled as he hugged Havyn close, deepening the kiss for a moment before pulling back. "You're so pretty," he murmured with a smile, watching her for a moment.
"You're very handsome." Havyn smiled, opening his eyes.
Elliot blushed, chuckling. "Mm, I'm not so sure about that-"
"Well too bad, because I know the truth."
Elliot chuckled, kissing her cheek again. "I suppose I'll believe you, for now~"
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