Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester smiled and kissed his forehead.
Jayden blushed, a small smile creeping on his face.
Chester grinned. ‘You’re so pretty when you smile~’
Jayden blushed even more, unable to stop a grin from appearing. "Shut up~"
‘No, never, pretty boy~’
"Shut up!" Jayden whined. He didn't want Chester to stop.
‘Aw, why, pretty boy? Don’t like being called a pretty boy?’ Chester teased, grinning.
"Stop it!"
‘Ugh, fine.’
"Thank you." Jayden smirked, trying to get his hands out of Chester's grip.
Chester huffed and let his hands go. ‘Whatever.’
Jayden splashed him. "Take that!"
Jayden smirked.
Chester huffed.
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