OC Prompts
Thread Topic: OC Prompts
Sorry y'all, I've been putting off posting a new prompt because I wanted to get my response to the first one typed up and posted first, but things have been so f---ed up in my life lately and I haven't had a chance to work on it. Hopefully I'll get to post mine today, but either way, it's not fair to keep y'all waiting, so I'm gonna post the next one now.
Prompt #2
Has your character ever broken the law? Elaborate if you like. -
Prompt #2
Here are some of the laws a few of my characters broke off the top of my head. I'm gonna go from worst crimes to the least terrible. Warning: most of the characters have committed murder, but I don’t go into detail.
Bashu: Murder. Twice in the same day. Theft. An attempt at harming the ruler of his kingdom with a giant fire snake he released from a necklace, putting everyone in the whole kingdom in harm’s way, with a few bystanders getting injured. This necklace was also formed out of fragments he stole from neighboring kingdoms, his brother, and friends. He eventually gets exiled for his crimes, but yeah, he did a lot of bad stuff, and is the villain of his story.
The King: (of character above's kingdom) This character was literally created to be hated. They were so desperate to be king, they might have committed some murder, then completely covered it up to insure they remained ruler. Child neglect and mistreat possibly too?
Cinder, Blake, Chubs, Ex: A lot of Murder, theft.
Quincy: thievery, and will harm someone if they get in his way, but mostly a thief. Has committed murder in the past, to get out of a bad situation.
Midas: thievery, possible murder? Idk, he turns people to gold, so I have no idea if they would be considered unalived.
Candle Man: (still don't have name for) attempted murder while possessed.
Phantom and Snake Eyes: although people get hurt, don’t kill, and are just elaborate thieves. These two are villians.
Sierra: thievery, mostly precious jewels and gems. She means no harm, just likes the thrill of it.
Trix: A lot of thievery. Will steal anything not nailed down. Is a coward, and doesn’t tend to engage in fights or cause harm.
Benlu: Not a villain, but does quite a few questionable things. He kidnaps someone from a different kingdom to interrogate them about his sister (Ann) but doesn't end up harming them in anyway, and just kinda lets them go after a while of intimidating them.
Ann: I don't know if this counts as a crime, but betrayed her kingdom to join another, accidentally causing both kingdoms to fight, and have a multi year feud.
Needlemaster: helped heal and nurse villains back to help.
Odum: A lot of property damage
Wott: broke into his friend's house without permission to annoy him. Has done this multiple times.
Rocco: being in a forbidden relationship
Atlas: Jaywalked. A lot more than once. Slander possibly?
Cream: Accidentally didn't pay for his fast food. Feels kinda guilty about it to this day. -
For prompt 2, I'll start with mages:
Ryshov: He won't admit it, but he's terrified of going to jail.
Cecilia: Depends on the timeline.
Thaddeus: He has common sense.
Cyrus: Admits it happened once, but refuses to discuss the matter any further. -
(what happened with Cyrus is that it was a prank gone wrong. He tried one of those water Bucket pranks. The bucket dislodged itself and nearly killed someone.)
Keep in mind that you're free to respond to any prompt in this thread at any time, no matter how many more have been posted since. Please label your posts according to the prompt number you're responding to.
Prompt #3
What handle does your OC use online? -
Kujuto: bigpingas99
Quinn: simplyaf---wit -
Ryshov probably goes by like
"_TheCoolerZeus" or something like that given his affinity and profiecency with electric-based magic -
Hi again guys! Sorry I let this die again. Gonna try to update more frequently and finally get my responses put together.
Prompt #4
What is your characters alignment, and what behaviors/arcs of theirs make you think so?
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