Dark Is Not Evil
- Locked due to inactivity on Mar 19, '21 3:54am
Thread Topic: Dark Is Not Evil
A long time ago in a country named Avalonia, a long war was waged between two factions, the light races (Humans, Angels, Elves, Dwarves and Spirits) and the dark races (Orcs, Dark Angels, Drow, Goblins and Zombies). This war was said to be so brutal that it tore the lands apart and changed the geography of the country. No where was safe for anyone and grounds of battlefields would be littered with the mangled bodies of both sides. After some time, the leaders of both groups met at a summit and brokered a treaty and the races have lived in peace since. 1000 years later, peace has been a little on edge. Most of the light races don't seem to trust any of the dark races even though there is no longer any threat. That may change though. An evil wizard has taken a magical stone that can impose his will on the people of Avalonia. However, because he hasn't perfected the use of it, and it only affects the light races. It is up to a select few from the dark races to take on this wizard and save Avalonia.
Orcs: These are the dark counterparts of humans. They are larger than humans and more muscular. They tend to have green skin but some have been known to have brown skin as well. They essentially fill the same role that humans do as fighters and are the most common.
Dark Angels: These are obviously the dark version of angels. They usually look similar to angels but with black feathered wings instead of white. And just like the angels, they can perform magic and are usually the mages.
Drows: Dark versions of the elves and it's the most obvious. Their skin tone is more on the red colored side as opposed to the pale blue used by elves. Much like elves, they are masters of archery and incredibly agile.
Goblins: The dark version of dwarves. The only similarities between the dwarves and goblins is their height which is half human size. Everything else about their appearance is different but they have the same technological prowess as their light counterparts. Probably even more so.
Zombies: The dark version of spirits. Despite looking like a walking corpse, they are in fact rather smart. Much like the humans they reanimate from or the spirits they are the counter to, they are the jack of all trades and can do feasibly anything.
Ask to join
Despite what the race descriptions will tell you, your characters can be whatever class you want them to be. If you want a zombie mage then do that. I won't stop you.
Only one person is allowed to be one of the races. Meaning their can be only one of each race and no more.
Character Sheet
Age: (Early 20s)
Class: (Fighter, Mage, Archer, Rouge, Bard)
Skills: (What kind of special skills does your character have)
Other: (Optional) -
may i join as a drow?
I thought you were taking a break from roleplays.
i dropped my current roleplays because i wasn’t satisfied with any of them, but if you don’t want me to join, that’s okay. ^^
No you can join. I just wanted to make sure.
thank you! i’ll have my sheet ready by tonight.
I'll get mine ready. I'll be a zombie.
is there a limit on classes? i was planning to make an archer, then i thought about rogue since drows seem to be quite stealthy.
Name: Marlow Wildstorm
Age: 22 at the time of death
Gender: Male
Race: Zombie
Class: Archer
Skills: Enchanted arrows, agility, stealth
Appearance: He looks like a normal human with black hair, but has green skin, no nose, part of his brain exposed and his left eye missing. Parts of his body have decayed to show skeleton but it's mostly covered by his clothes. Except for his right arm which is exposed and is completely decayed to skeletal remains. He wears mostly leather armor and boots.
Personality: Quiet, smart, likes to have a plan and cannot think on the fly
Bio: Marlow used to be a highly skilled archer in life but was killed by a traitorous ally. Due to a revival spell gone wrong by some amateur necromancers, he became a zombie. He tried to get revenge but was revived a few years too late to get it as his ally was killed in a battle not long after he murdered him. Now he just hangs out at taverns just waiting to be a hero again
Other: He's afraid of heights -
Not really but I'd rather not have too many of one class
okay, i’ll be doing rogue.
Character Sheet
Name: Nixeve
Age: 21
Gender: female
Race: Drow
Class: rogue
Skills: sneak, stealth, lockpicking, speed, thievery, etc.
Appearance: purple-red toned skin, straight (between chin and shoulder length) white hair, dark blue eyes, slender build, about 5’3” in height, wears black light armor made of leather, as well as a hood to keep her in the shadows
Personality: quiet, reserved, intellectual, secretive, may warm up to you if she gains your trust
Bio: Abandoned as a young child, Nixeve taught herself how to pick locks, and easily steal any food or clothes she needed to survive, she tries to use her past as a way to improve and be proud of her current self, but she isn’t always the most confident
Other: this is literally a skyrim character, oops -
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