Easter/Wester rp
Thread Topic: Easter/Wester rp
Well, Griffin, he uh...died. He was a really nice guy though.
Elra: oh.
Easter: *struggling to carry all of the chocolate* HALP
*grabs it all with little to no effort* it's not that heavy
Easter: ...How
Better not to ask questions, really. -
It's a secret~
Easter: Ooooookay.
*frantically shoves snacks on counter*
Elra: slow down (โะโ) -
Easter: *terrified mortal noises* -
Continues shoveling
Store clerk: *scared noises* -
*smacks down an infinite monee check*
choklate pls -
Store clerk: will that be all ma'am.
Yesh, and the suger cookies -
*slids three kittens onto the counter*
And these. I want these. -
Store clerk. I didn't even know we sold kittens.
Hurry up! I got bingo to play! -
Other store clerk: *frantic price checking* You can go. Please go.
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