a p o c a l y p s e
Thread Topic: a p o c a l y p s e
Thomas sat in his bedroom staring at the clock. His family was supposed to be home from his sister's school play hours ago! He sighed and kicked his feet over his bed. "Might as well go to Skylar's house," he mumbled, shuffling over to the door. He grabbed a T-ball bat and baseball in case they wanted to play. Instead of taking the main road, Thomas went in through the back, like he always did. He noticed some odd people around, but didn't give any thought about it until a scream erupted from inside Skylar's house.
Amber's heart was filled with panic. It all happened so fast, and she had no idea where she was. One minute, everyone was enjoying the Broadway show, the next they were all being forced out of the emergency exits. Something had gone terribly wrong, and there was no fixing it. Amber's necklace that held her pocket knife banged against her chest as she ran far away. She lost her parents in the crowd, and their exact words had been to meet at the edge of the city. If she could make in that far. She knew she had to do something to protect herself though. So she slipped into an alleyway to catch her breath. -
((But then everyone died because they got eaten by zombies and no one is continuing this T-T,,))))
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