The Gods Of Eygpt
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:37pm
Thread Topic: The Gods Of Eygpt
After she was finished with her meal, she put them in the sink and then sat back down. "But, you know, I think we're pretty prepared."
"Yeah, well im going to stay down here for a little bit, and work on the cars. Head to bed. Goodnight, anfd see you tommorrow." He looked at her then took a sip of beer.
"I'll try." Was all she said before grabbing her glass and walked to her room. She didn't bother closing the door since she knew he would be in the garage. Cora took off her shirt and shorts and tossed them into the woven basket hamper. She then crawled into bed and pulled the sheets around herself.
He grabbed a couple beers and walked into the garage.He realized that he needed to change into a working shirt, so he walked up the stairs pulling of his shirt right past Coras door into his own.
She already felt the effects of the wine in her, making her think and feel differently. When Ra passed her room she called out, "I seeee you."
He heard Cora talking. He walked to Coras room and loked at her."What do you need?"
She pulled her sheets up to her chin and looked at him. "Hm, nothing really. I just saw you and I wanted to tell you."
"Tell me what? That your tired?" He laughed. He waited for her to answer te question.
"No, silly." She giggled. "Just that I saw you. But you can go back to what ever you were going to do."
"Okay, I will be in the garage if you need me." he waled into the garage and finished one of his beers. It was going to be a long night.
"Okay, byeeee." She giggled and then rolled over pulling the sheets with her. She wondered for a sane moment what would become of Ra after drinking that many beers.
After a few hours Ra stumbled up the stairs. falling over his feet falling face first rigt in front of Coras room. "Ohh Set. Shh she is sleeping you sexy creature." he said to himself.
A sudden thud woke Cora up. "Hm?" She rolled over to face her door only to find Ra on the ground. "Ra, what the hell?"
"Shh dont wake Cora." He catapillered his wat to his room taking off his pants and shirt and getting under the sheets falling aslep.
Cora sighed and went back to sleep. This time, she was able to stay in a peaceful slumber.
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