Oh, Ainsley, don't look at me like that...
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:37pm
Thread Topic: Oh, Ainsley, don't look at me like that...
Rosemary: I want to.. Lock him up.
Vernon: He's out of control, huh?
Rosemary: He attacked Janette. Yes, he is..
Vernon: What can I do to help?
Rosemary: There's this man that makes amulets that repel magic. I need two, and I'd go by myself, but... Well, you see, only other men can speak to him.
Vernon: Other men?
Rosemary: *nods* He hates females. With a burning passion. Brooklyn tried to.. And he almost killed her. *sighs* Can you?
Vernon: Certainly. I can do it.
Rosemary: *opens a portal* Oh! He won't let you in if you have weapons. But don't worry. He won't hurt you.
Vernon: I'm not carrying anything. *smiles and steps through*
*annnd she lied*
*Rosemary betrayed him uh ohhh*
Ephraim: ..Well. You're different.
Cillian: He's pretty, at least!
Ephraim: So was the girl she sent us last time. You're not allowed to ruin this one, though, Cil.
Cillian: You're no fun, E.. *pouts, staring at Vernon*
Rosemary: ..*deep breath!* *back to Ainsley* -
Vernon: ..*face pales*
Ainsley: *wandering around lol* -
Cillian: ..Don't look so sad, little bird! We won't hurt you!
Ephraim: Don't make promises you can't keep, Cillian. *sighs* Hendrix!
Hendrix:: *the other one..* E?
Ephraim: Put him in the third room on the right side.
Hendrix: But someone's already in that-
Ephraim: *snaps* Do as I said!
Hendrix: Hnn. So rude.. *holds hand out to Vernon* Come on. It's best we both do what we're told.
Rosemary: *finds him* We have to go. Now. -
Vernon: *steps back* No, I want to leave.
Ainsley: What? Why? -
Cillian: *stands up, moving behind him* E, I don't think he's gonna behave.. Let me teach him some manners-
Hendrix: NO! I-I mean, no.. He's just scared. Leave him alone, Cillian. *roughly grabs Vernon's arm, pulling him forward* And anyways, I'm capable of makinghim listen on my own.
Cillian: *tsks* As if. You wont even raise your hand to that b---- in room one. *mocking him* She's just a kid, Cillian! You can't hurt her, Cillian! Waah, waah-
Ephraim: *stands* Enough. Hendrix. You will take him to your room. If he gives you any trouble, he is to be placed to Cillian's authority. *leaves*
Hendrix: ..*sighs* Come on. Please. You really don't want to be left alone with him...
Cillian: *winks*
Rosemary: Iann is angry. We need to go..
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