some motherf---ing miracles
Thread Topic: some motherf---ing miracles
The rest of the period passed by easily as he worked, and he had no problem finishing the task he'd set himself to. As soon as the bell rang, he was out of his seat and next to Melody's. He glanced at the drawing, but chose not to ask about it. "I think we have our next class together. Do you know where it is, or do you want help?" He gave her another nervous smile.
Rigor Mortis NewbieMelody froze up the second he was by her side, wondering vaguely if he was the tattletale prep that would call her out on her passtime. She relaxed when he was finished speaking, picking up her drawing and standing up so he wasn't looming over her.
"Here." she handed the pen back to him, folding up the paper and putting it in her pocket. Her mom would get a kick out of it later. "I'll find my next class by myself. Thanks."
With that, she walked out, averting her eyes when she passed the teacher's desk just in case he decided they needed to talk about being prepared for class or work ethic or some s---. -
"Uh... okay," he said, a little disappointed, then watched as she walked past. Wouldn't she... need the materials for the next class? With that, he followed her out, innocently assuming that she'd go to their next class. He followed ten or fifteen feet behind her, pulling out his phone as he walked.
Rigor Mortis NewbieMelody had planned on going to third hour when she left that room. She really had. She made it about halfway there before deciding that she really, really didn't have the energy to sit through a math class. Those were the most demanding, the ones that asked for complete concentration and active participation and she wanted no part of it. She would have to find the library or someplace quiet where no one would ask if she had somewhere else she needed to be.
This was where the problem arose. Dammit. She should have asked that guy where the library was. She was sure she could have phrased it innocently enough that he wouldn't have thought twice about answering. Now, here she was, wandering around aimlessly and looking just as lost as she was. She huffed quietly to herself as she went. Maybe she should just go home. -
He arrived to class, noticing almost immediately that she was nowhere to be seen. He set down his things then asked the teacher if he could use the bathroom, heading out to see if he could find her before class started. Kingsley could probably find her; he knew the school better than most people. It took him five minutes or so, but he eventually came across a hallway with a very Melody-looking figure at the end. He composed himself a bit before walking over to her.
Rigor Mortis NewbieThe sound of footsteps alerted her to someone's approach, but she kept walking, not even considering the idea that she might be the target. She was taken off guard when Kingsley caught up with her, and, even though she was the one cutting class, had more than enough nerve to insinuate that he was the one doing wrong.
"What? Are you following me now?" -
"The teacher asked if you were here since he saw you were here earlier in the roster, but you weren't in class, so he asked if anyone knew where you were. I said I might so he asked me to find you and now here we are," he said in one breath, growing slightly anxious as he realized that this probably seemed creepy on his part. He shrugged. "Sorry. I'm not a stalker."
Melody stared into his nervous face, her posture becoming rigid as she began to feel more and more accused. How dare he imply that she was going to skip before she'd actually consciously made the decision to do so? She wanted to take an attitude again, but was taken off guard by his last comment, tacked on like an afterthought. She couldn't stop herself smiling at the sheer self-awareness in his tone.
"Right. I'm sure you're not a stalker. What kind of stalker would tell someone they're not a stalker?" She realized after she'd said it that the comment would come across like playful banter, opening her up for conversation both now and later. While it didn't seem the guy was the over-friendly type she'd originally mistaken him for, she still wasn't prepared to get buddy-buddy with him, so she dialed it back and got back on topic. "I was just gonna go to the library. Math isn't really my thing."
If he were any sort of authority figure, she'd have put in the effort to at least come up with a lie to mask what she was saying, which was that she was choosing to skip out on class. This boy didn't seem confrontational, though, and Melody thought it a safe bet he'd leave her alone once he accepted that she wasn't going to be a model student here, or anything close. -
"This math class isn't really... that hard, though," he told her, being completely honest. It kind of hurt him to admit that he really wasn't much of a math student, and that he was in the lowest possible class for that subject in their grade level. It was one thing for her not to be mathematically inclined, since she didn't really seem to be academically inclined in anything, really. But if he could have an A in the class, she'd probably do fine, too. He hoped.
Just as he was about to say something else, though he wasn't exactly sure what, a teacher stepped out into the hallway from his classroom, probably heading for the faculty room. He spotted them and immediately walked over, assuming they were arguing. "What are you two doing out here? What are your names? What classes are you supposed to be in?"
Kingsley recognized this teacher, vaguely. Mr. Dinnet was ancient and probably only still there because he had tenure, or whatever teachers could get at the school. He knew for certain, though, that this was one teacher no one wanted to have. He'd heard enough about the man's reputation in his freshman year. "Erm..." was all he managed to get out, on the verge of panicking.
"That's enough," Dinnet said, lifting the clipboard he was carrying. Kingsley suddenly remembered that this man had been nearly banned from handing out detention slips three times in the past few years. As he wrote one, the boy tried to reason with himself. They'd definitely clear this one, right? He couldn't have it on his record. Someone like him would never get detention, so they'd have to see that and stop Dinnet once again. This couldn't be happening to him. "Detention, after school. Both of you report to room 203 after school. No exceptions."
Kingsley wasn't really sure what happened next. Honestly, it was mostly a blur. All he knew was that this was the first school discipline he'd received since third grade, and he didn't like the way this sudden change felt. -
Melody stood quietly, not sure how to proceed. She didn't have time for a detention- she needed to get home quickly to check up on her mother after school. She could simply not go, but the thing about school disciplinary policies was that they accumulated and turned into something exponentially worse if neglected. She could keep ignoring the detentions, she could even stop coming to school altogether if it became an issue, but eventually it would become a suspension, or even an expulsion, and she couldn't put her mother through the stress of finding yet another school for her. At least not so early on. She'd have to try and talk her way out of it.
"Sir," she began slowly, carefully waiting until he had finished speaking so as not to interrupt and make him angrier. "I'm a new student- this is my first day. I'm just trying to find my next class, and Kingsley was trying to help me. If I could just find.."
She pretended not to be sure where she'd put her schedule for a second, patting down all of her pockets until she "found" it folded in her back pocket. She glanced it over quickly.
"It's Ms. Colombo's class. I'm sorry to have held him up out here and everything, but it won't happen again once I know where all these rooms are." -
"And you know where Ms. Colombo's classroom is, don't you?" Dinnet asked, glaring at Kingsley. The boy nodded, so he continued, "Then get to class! And take this girl with you! You're lucky I'm not going to give you another detention for those boots, young lady."
Kingsley nodded. "Of course, sir." He grabbed Melody's hand without thinking and practically dragged her through the hallway, trying to calm down as they walked. Once they were around the corner and certain the teacher wouldn't follow them, he let go of her hand and stepped back a bit.
"Sorry. But thank you. Really. Thanks for getting us out of that. You're a lifesaver. Thank you," he said, stopping once he realized he was rambling. "We should probably head to class, it's just down the hallway..."
He didn't even bother to consider that she likely didn't want to go to class anyways, or that his confident exterior was probably pretty much shattered in her mind now. Assuming it was even there in the first place. He was still too busy calming down to care. -
"You're lucky you don't get a detention for those boots, young lady." Melody snickered mockingly under her breath as they turned the corner out of sight and out of earshot. "What an a--hole."
She was taken aback by the almost panicky look on Kingsley's face as he thanked her like she'd dragged him out of a river. He seemed so vulnerable she couldn't bring herself to make a mean comment, so instead, she rolled with it.
"Sure. You're welcome. But this has been terrible, so I think I'm just gonna cut out." -
"But it's your first day. And Ms. Colombo expected me to find you. I don't want to go back and have her think that I couldn't. I'd like to keep up my reputation of reliability," he said, tacking on a "please" at the end just in case. He didn't like the fact that she blatantly refused to cooperate. It seemed like most people would just put up with him, usually, even if they were annoyed.
They stood there for a moment, neither really moving. He knew that if he turned and headed for class that she'd just leave, so this seemed to be the best place to wait until they came to some conclusion. Kingsley seemed to remember another significant point, crossing his arms as he shared. "Besides, you don't even know where anything is in the building, right? And with Mr. Dinnett wandering the school on his prep time, do you really think you'll get out of a detention a second time?" He knew her retort would probably be worse, but it was worth trying. -
"Then maybe you shouldn't have volunteered to come find me. I'm not your responsibility." she hissed indignantly. His arguments were having the opposite of the intended effect as Melody began to feel more and more like she was being challenged. She was about a second away from turning and walking out on the spot just to put the boy in his place, but thought better of it. While she was sure she could avoid the old man on her way out if she really put her mind to it, she'd look fifty different flavors of suspicious sneaking around the school, checking hallways before turning corners, let alone walking out the front door in the middle of the school day.
She huffed inwardly, crossing her arms to match Kingsley's stance and pushing past him, trying to avoid eye contact as she essentially let him win and headed in the direction he'd indicated.
"f---ing teacher's pet." she muttered, hoping that if she had to lose this fight, she could at least prevent him from feeling like he'd won by insulting him. -
Ignoring the insult, he followed her to the classroom, glad he'd won. He didn't really think he'd won against her, exactly, but rather against the potential of going back to class and admitting defeat. He didn't want his teacher not to trust him, or view her in any worse light than she probably already did.
He instinctively walked ahead of her to open the door for her once they got for the classroomand she f---ing sprinted away byeeee, completely oblivious for a second to the fact that she might not appreciate that. The only remaining seat in the classroom was at his table group, so she had no choice but to sit with him. The other two students sitting there, an underclassman named Laura and a boy Kingsley barely knew, Connor, didn't look up or stop chatting until he and Melody actually sat down.
"Laura, Connor, this is Melody," he said, trying not to make a huge deal out of it. "She's a new student who keeps getting lost, so if you see her around, she'll probably need help finding class," he added, not realizing how it probably sounded to her until after he said it. He sat down and got out his calculator, trying not to look in her direction.
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