Flowers in the Attic
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:34pm
Thread Topic: Flowers in the Attic
Their mother gulped before stepping out of the car, motioning for everyone to get out. Justin unbuckled Hailey, stuffed her bottle in her small backpack, and slung it over his shoulder while carrying her. He looked over at Spring nervously, walking to the entrance to the house with their mother. She had grabbed their suitcases, but struggling a bit.
Spring held his hat low,unbuckling and slowly stepping from the car.He stayed in the back of the group,a nervous yet horrifiyed look on his face.He payed no attention to their struggling mother nor were he was going,he just glued his eyes to the hard cement under his feet.
As they approached the house, Justin went in to grab a suitcase, and she nodded in appreciation. She looked back at both boys and Hailey after ringing the doorbell. "I want you three to behave. Your grandmother.. She has a temper, and hold grudges, so please behave." Justin shrugged his shoulder to move the small backpack. The door was opened by a stern looking lady. Her eyebrows were drawn in dramatically, and her face was pale.
Spring glued himself to Justin,pushing on arm against his younger brother's nervously.He stared at their grandmother,and every time she looked at him he would quickly hide his scarred face.He was afraid of her yelling at him to bad memories,as he had a rough case of depression and didn't want it getting worse when he was miss treated.
Her hard gaze scanned over the family before softening up. "Well, come in now, everyone." She gulped, smiling, before stepping back. Justin nudged Spring a bit before stepping into house after their mother. "You guys go find some rooms while I talk to your grandmother." She smiled, indicating they go on. Justin set Hailey down, so that she could venture up the stairs. "Spring, you all right?" He whispered, climbing the stairs after her.
"I...I just don't like this place.It brings back alot of bad memories...."He wispered back,passing their grandmother and walking up the stairs,hanging onto the rails.He entered a large opening surrounded by two doors.One led to a big bedroom,the other to a small bedroom.The floor above them had a piano,a TV,a large couch,and a television,surrounded by a bathroom and what seemed to be a few storage rooms,and if they went up the stairs once more,their was a door and past that door was a large clearing completely dedicated to their grandmother.Spring had stopped at the second floor,entering the large bedroom and sitting on the king sized bed.
Justin kept quiet for a moment, watching the younger girl scale the stairs with the elephant in her arms. "You can always come to my room if you have a nightmare." He winked. Hailey rushed to the small room, before looking back at Justin for the backpack. He handed it to her before messing with her hair. She stuck her tongue out at him, and ran off. "Anyways, I'll take the medium room on the third floor." He said before passing Spring.
Spring lowered his ears and sat his hat down,curling tightly in a ball under the thick blankets sadly.He caught his breath bravely as he was going to get up and go downstairs,but as he heard their mother's car drive away,he burst in tears.He muffled his sounds with a pillow.He knew if any of the three did one thing bad,their grandmother would yell and hurt them.Slap them,punch them,scar them.Spring had been there longer than the others,so he knew much more than they all did.He kne they slept behind locked doors and did for themselves.If they didn't make a bowl of macaroni wnd cheese for dinner,they went without.
The suitcase he happened to grab was Spring's. Justin had recognized the clothes, ones he certainly didn't own. Although, Spring was.. Different, he idolized him for being brave through his condition. He never really lost it like some people, but he kept pushing through. Justin sighed, awkwardly holding the suitcase in his arms as he descended the stairs. He poked his head in the room to find Spring curled up on his bead, muffled sobs escaping him. "Spring? I have your suitcase."
FUN FACT:Spring's name was originally going to be Plush.)
"Uh...uh..just sit it down by the door..."Spring sniffled,turning towards Justin with a red face."J-Justin?"He asked."Could you come here?And please close the door behind you,we need to talk."Spring said,quiverring sadly and blinking tears from his eyes. -
(omg .o. my boobs feel weird right now :/)
Justin nodded, setting case down where it was directed, and the closed the door. He sat on the bed next to Spring, but not too close. "Is it about our grandmother? I don't remember much about the last time we came. All I can recall is being in the hospital and being told it was from falling off a horse. Funny thing was, I don't remember being on a horse or being at her house. Mother said she had just dropped us off.. But I think something happened that nobody told me." He looked directly at Spring, waiting for a reaction that indicated he was right. -
...Bleh.My d--- feels weird right now .n.)
Spring nodded with a frown."Mhm.But,y-you didn't fall off a horse.She...hurt you."He said quietly,keeping his voice down so their grandmother wouldn't hear."And the scars on my face and mouth,they told me it was a motorcycle accident.No,it wasn't.She cut me.And....and..."Spring unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off,showwing stab marks and dried blood everywhere."She stabbed me.I-I don't wanther to hury Hailey next.We already have to do evetything for ourselves,with no dinner and are locked ti bed each night."He explained. -
(.w. That makes two of us.)
Justin gulped, staring at the scars. They were fine lines, compared to his skin. "Spring.. I-I didn't know. Why would mom do this? Will our grandmother get us food at all? W-what..." He stopped his sentence, realizing the overload of questions. Justin reached out to trail a finger over a scar on his abdomen. -
"I don't know why mother did this.And I don't know about everything else.I'm sorry if you were expecting a better response."He pouted,his scars still burning with pain even though they were made so long ago.He sat down,his ears lowered as if a block of iron were scaling them down,he tried to perk up,but he couldn't.He held his tears back for a brief moment,then silently crying them out. -
(shh it'll be alright)
"No," He said sternly. "I wanted to know the truth. That's what matters." He stood up to wrap his arms around his brother, feeling sympathy for him. "We'll get through this, Spring." He tried imagining how things would go in the next week, but all there was, was a blank slate in his mind.
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